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PostSubject: Organised crime   Organised crime Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2015 12:29 am

This is not the sort of Christmas present that should be allowed
Lives for sale: Booming market for Bulgarian babies in Greece
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PostSubject: subject   Organised crime Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2015 6:57 am

It is a sad situation indeed! Organised crime 927475117

One can only hope that the children face a much better quality of life as there seems to be no realistic way of stopping the practice.

Thanks for the excellent link. g
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PostSubject: Re: Organised crime   Organised crime Icon_minitimeWed Dec 23, 2015 7:51 am

Organised crime 927475117 This is shocking but I have now come to realise this is a way of life for many Roma families and I now understand why the Bulgarians do not like the Roma but this is just awful as they are having children to sell and as always at the end of the day it is always the children that suffer and that is just not right. Organised crime 927475117 Organised crime 927475117 Organised crime 927475117
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PostSubject: Bulgarian so called justice system   Organised crime Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2016 10:39 pm

If you have nothing better to do then take a read of this. I had an email in Bulgarian to attend Dobrich Police Station on 29th November to be interrogated. As I was at our villa a week earlier I managed to bring it forward. If only they could carry out what they say it would be worth pursuing but from our experience it's a waste of time and not worth the paper it's written on

After we had our villa illegally sold by our then gardener and the place completely gutted it cost us £30,000 to get it back and returned to it to it's original state, no arrests, no compensation even though there were five police officers involved and a DI from Thames Valley Police

Thank you to our lovely Bulgarian adopted daughter Veronica for the translation  

A form on the rights of the victims of crimes, under Art. 6a, Paragraph 2 of the Law on support and financial compensation of the victims of crimes
The right to free consult with a psychologist and support from the State under the Law on support and financial compensation of victims of crimes is granted to Bulgarian citizens or citizens of countries- members of the European Union as well as foreign citizens in the cases stipulated in an international treaty, of which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
When the victim is deceased as a result of the crime, the right to support passes onto their heirs or onto the person, with whom the victim was in an a consensual union.
The free consult with a psychologist and support are granted to victims, who suffered property and non-material damages caused by crimes of general sort.
The free consult with a psychologist and support is provided by specialists- psychologists of the organizations for support of the victims in accordance with the needs of the victims and their mental state.
A request for granting of a free consult with a psychologist is submitted to a chosen by the victim organization for support of victims and in this request the following should be included: the full name, citizenship, date and place of birth, permanent and temporary address of the victim; the date, the place and the circumstances of the committed crime; the date when the victim informed the competent authority on the committed crime and the grounds for requesting psychological consult and support. Annexed to the form of request there should be copies of the documents, which certify the crime-related facts and circumstances stated by the victim.
For more information please refer to:
Telephone number: 02/981 93 00/980 75 48
In the penal proceedings the victim, in their capacity of a private prosecutor, a private plaintiff, a civil applicant and a civil defendant can point an attorney, for a relevant fee, to defend their interests under the Law on Law Societies.
The right to free legal support under the Law on legal support
Free legal support has the following definition:
- Consult with the aim of reaching an agreement before the start of the legal proceedings or bringing lawsuit
- Preparation of documents for bringing lawsuit
- Proceedings’ representation
The victim has the right to free legal support for consulting with the aim to reach an agreement before the start of legal proceedings or bringing lawsuit or for bringing lawsuit and preparation of documents for bringing lawsuit when:
- Meets the requirements for receiving a monthly support under Art. 9 and 10 of the Rules of Procedure of the Law on social assistance
- Meets the requirements for support with targeted assistance for heating for the current and the previous period
- Is a person under the custody of a specialized institution for social service or using social services of a residential type, or using social services at Department “Mother and child” under Art. 36 of the Rules of Procedure of the Law of social assistance;
- Is a child accommodated at a foster home or at the home of relatives under the Law on Child’s care
- Is a child at risk under the definition of the Law on Child’s care;
- Is a person under Art. 144 of the Family code ( adults, students supported by their parents) or a person under the age of 21 years under Regulation (EU) № 4 from 2009 of the Council regarding the competency, the applied law, the acknowledgement and the execution of legal decisions and the co-operation in connection with issues related to the support obligations
- Has suffered domestic or sexual violence or trafficking in human beings when they do not have the means or wish to avail of legal defense;
- Is a person seeking international protection under the Law on asylum and refugees, for whom providing of legal support is not a result of any other legal grounds;
- Is a foreign citizen and against them a forceful administrative measure is applied or they are accommodated at a special centre for temporary accommodation of foreigners under the Law on foreign citizens in the Republic of Bulgaria, they do not possess any financial means and wish to use legal defense
The above-described facts and circumstances are proved by the victim with Court decisions or with documents issued by the relevant competent authorities or with a declaration for marital and property status.
The request for legal support is sent to:
National Office for Legal Support
Address: 1421 Sofia, 1 Razvigor Street
E-mail: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Telephone number: +359 2 8193200
Fax: +359 2 8654812
National line for legal support- 070018250
Work hours: from 09:00am till 05:00pm
Work hours with citizens: from 09:00am till 05:00pm
The decision for granting legal support is made by the Chairman of the National Office for legal support in a period of 14 days after presenting of an order, a Court decision or a report on the facts and circumstances. The refusal of granting legal aid gives the right of appeal under the Administrative proceedings code.
In the legal proceedings in their capacity of a private prosecutor, a private plaintiff, a civil applicant and a civil defendant, if the victim presents evidence that they cannot pay the lawyer’s fees and they wish to have such and it’s in the interest of justice, the Court, which tries the lawsuit in a first instance appoints such.
Authorities, before which a committed crime can be reported
A committed crime can be reported before the authorities of the Ministry of Interior, at telephone number 112 or at the closest regional police department or police office. In case you are a victim or a witness of a crime you can report to the Prosecutor’s office.
When there are legal grounds or sufficient evidence for a committed crime a pre-Court proceedings are initiated. The authority, which initiates the pre-Court proceedings, informs you immediately if you have stated a summons address in the country.
In the pre-Court proceedings the victim has the following rights:
- To be informed on their rights in the Penal proceedings;
- To be protected in the interest of their own safety and the safety of their relatives;
- To be informed during the penal proceedings
- To participate in the proceedings under the stipulations of the Penal proceedings code;
- To lodge claims, notes and objections;
- To appeal against the acts which lead to the suspension or the halt of the penal proceedings;
- To have a trustee
In the Court proceedings the victim has the following rights:
- To participate as a private prosecutor. The request for participation in the legal proceedings as a private prosecutor can be oral or written. The request should contain the personal data of the person, which send the request , and the circumstances on which it is based. The request is made not later than the start of the Court proceedings of First Instance.
- To participate as a private plaintiff when the crime is persecuted on the plaint of the victim. The plaint should be in written and it should contain personal data of the sender and of the person against whom it is filed as well as the circumstances of the crime. Annexed to the plaint there should be a document for the paid state fee. The plaint should be signed by the sender. The plaint should be lodged in a period of six months from the day when the victim is made aware of the commitment of the crime or from the day when the victim has received a message for the suspension of the pre-Court proceedings on the grounds that the crime is persecuted under the plaint of the victim.
- To participate as a civil applicant and to bring a civil action for indemnity for the damages caused by the crime. The civil application cannot be made during the Court proceedings when it is made under the stipulations of the Civil proceedings code.
- To participate as a civil defendant against whom a civil action is brought
Rights of the witness
- To avail of notes with figures, dates and others, which they have taken with them and are relevant to their testimony
- To receive remuneration for the lost working day and to be compensated for the expenses they make
- To request the repeal of the acts, which violate their legal rights and interests
- To consult a lawyer if they consider the response to a posed question violating their rights in terms of the possible charging with a crime either them or their siblings or a spouse or a person, with whom they are in a consensual union.
In case of violation of the rights of the victim or on request of the victim the relevant Court of First Instance can report as follows:
- To the supervising prosecutor of the pre-Court proceedings
- To the prosecutor from the above stated prosecution office in the course of the pre-Court proceedings
- To the competent authority in the Court phase of the penal proceedings
Proposed by the prosecutor with the consent of the victim or on request of the victim the relevant Court of First Instance can ban the defendant from:
1. Getting in close proximity to the victim
2. Getting in contact with the victim under any form including via telephone, e-mail, post or fax
3. Frequenting certain towns, areas or sites, in which the victim is residing.
The Court informs the victim on the possibility a European protection warrant to be issued.
Protection of the witness
- On request of the witness or with their consent the prosecutor, the judge reporting or the Court take measures for the witness immediate protection when there is enough evidence to be presumed that as a result of their testimony there is a danger or may occur for the witness’s life and health or the life and health of their siblings, spouse or persons with whom they are in a close relation. The protection of the witness is temporary and is performed through providing of private lifeguard or exercising of the right of non-disclosure of their identity. Private lifeguards can be arranged for the witness’ siblings, spouse or persons with whom the witness is in a particularly close relation, with their consent or the consent of their legal attorneys.
- When there is a case of penal proceedings on a charge of a capital crime of general sort and all crimes committed on the orders or as an execution of a decision of an organized crime group the witness can be enrolled into a Witness Protection Programme under the Law on protection of persons in danger in relation to penal proceedings. The following persons in danger can avail of special protection under the law: witness, private prosecutor, civil applicant or persons directly related to them- siblings, spouses or persons with whom they are in a close relation. Enrolment into the Witness Protection Programme is possible on request of the regional prosecutor to the Chief prosecutor and in the Court proceedings- on request of the judge reporting to the Chief prosecutor. The request for protection is made officially or on request of the person in danger, the investigating authority or the supervising prosecutor. When the proposal does not come from the person in danger their written consent in written is obligatory. The instructions of the Chief prosecutor or the decision of the Council for Protection are sent to the authority which made the proposal by the Protection Office to the Chief prosecutor. Enrolment into the programme is made through signing of a written agreement between the Protection Office and the victim or the custodian or the trustee if the witness is legally disable.
The right to financial compensation from the State under the Law on support of victims of crimes have all Bulgarian citizens or citizens of member states of the European Union as well as foreign citizens in the cases stipulated in an international treaty, of which the Republic of Bulgaria is a party.
Financial compensation under the Law on support and financial compensation of victims of crimes is granted for the following crimes:
1. Terrorism, homicide, homicide attempt, premeditated heavy bodily harm, fornication, rape, trafficking in human beings
2. Crimes committed on the orders or executing a decision of an organized crime group
3. Other capital premeditated crimes, which have caused death or heavy bodily harm.
The Law on support and financial compensation of the victims of crimes is applied for the above-stated crimes committed after 30th June 2005.
Under the conditions and the order of the Law on support and financial compensation of victims of crimes, financial compensation can be received by victims who suffered property damage. When the victim is deceased as a result of the crime, the right to financial compensation is transferred to their heirs or to the person, with whom the victim was in a consensual union.
Victims of crimes can claim financial compensation after the end of the penal proceedings and after the coming into force of an act issued by the legal authorities.
- A guilty sentence including in the cases when the case has been heard in the absence of the defendant
- The agreement for ruling in pre-Court proceedings
- A Prosecutor or Court’s roll, in which the penal proceeding is suspended except for the cases when the suspension is under Art. 24, Paragraph 1, Point 1,7 and 9 from the Penal proceedings code;
- The Prosecutor’ s or Court’s roll, with which the penal lawsuit is suspended due to the circumstance that the person who committed the crime is not known.
The request for financial support is sent to the National Council for support and compensation of victims of crimes to the Ministry of Justice in a period of one year after coming into force of the relevant roll of the legal authorities. The request can be sent also through an organization for support of victims or through the district governor of the current address of residence of the victim. The request for financial compensation is considered in a period of one month after the submission date and if it is needed this period can be extended up to three months.
A form for financial compensation and a list of necessary documents for submission are provided to the victim by the National Council, the district governor, the authorities of the Ministry of Justice and the organizations for support of victims as well as in an electronic form at the Internet site of the National Council- [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
The financial compensation is in the form of a state grant of money and its monthly amount cannot exceed 10 000 Bulgarian Levs. When the financial compensation is granted for support of persons who haven’t reached 18 years of age, the amount for each person is up to 10 000 Bulgarian Levs.
The financial compensation extends to, altogether or partially, the property damages, which are a direct consequence of the crime committed and they are as follows:
- Expenses for medical treatment with the exception of the expenses, which are covered by the budget of the National Health Institute.
- Missed profits
- Expenses for payment of legal and administrative costs
- Missed support means
- Funeral expenses
- Other property damages
For more information please refer to:
Address: Expert Committee at the National Council for support and compensation of victims of crimes
1040 Sofia, 1 Slavyanska Street
Web page: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
E-mail: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Contact person under Art. 18, Paragraph 9 from the Law on support and financial compensation of victims of crimes:
Georgi Spasov- secretary of the Council and member of the Expert Committee
E-mail: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Telephone number: 02/9237 359
Work days: Tuesday and Thursday from 01:00pm till 04:00pm at the building of the Ministry of Justice, 2A Dondukov Blvd. , 7th Floor, room No 726
Bulgarian citizens who are victims of crimes in the territory of a member state of the European Union
The Bulgarian diplomatic missions abroad, in the member states of the European Union inform in written Bulgarian citizens who are there and are victims of crimes in the territory of the country of reception on the competent authorities in the country, to which they can refer in regards to the proceedings for receiving support and financial compensation, on the possibilities to claim financial compensation from the competent authority of the relevant state, through the National Council for support and compensation of victims of crimes at the Ministry of Justice as well as on the procedure for receiving the relevant sort of support in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Citizens of other states, victims of crimes in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria
The National Council for support and compensation of victims of crimes at the Ministry of Justice provides co-operation to citizens of other countries legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria o the forms of support under the Law for support and financial compensation of victims of crimes. The National Council for support and compensation of victims of crimes at the Ministry of Justice takes in the requestss and rules on the requests for financial compensation submitted by citizens of other countries, legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
For more information please refer to:
Address: Expert Committee at the National Council for support and compensation of victims of crimes
1040 Sofia, 1 Slavyanska Street
Webb page: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
E-mail: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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