I'm having a headscratching moment just now....trying to set up a Paypal account.
Background info...I don't have a credit card, but I do have a debit card which is linked to my bank account. This account is with one of the biggest banks in Australia and was opened in the early 1990s...it has always had a 6 or 7 digit balance and still does today. The card service was activated within a week of opening the account and has been maintained, non stop, ever since...a bi monthly deposit is made by the Aust Govt (my military pension). I used this card at ATMs and stores in the UK. I've used it to pay for flights, international and domestic in many countries, including the UK and Europe...I use it here in Bulgaria, both at ATMs and in store, with never a problem or question.
Before I left Australia I had a Platinum Visa card (for about 5 years), but knowing that all my banking overseas was going to be via the internet, I gave it back. My credit record is sqeeky clean and can be checked by anyone.
Paypal won't have a bar of me....no explanations, no excuses....nothing!!!
Any Guru care to comment.